All-on-4 testimonial: Christine

Christine has been coming to our dentists in Cancun to get his All-on-4 dental implant solution and he is very happy with the results.

German: Hi everyone! Today I have with me Christine, how are you?

Christine: Wonderful.

German: I am glad to hear

Christine: Thank you!

German: Thanks to you! And where do you come from?

Christine: Georgia, Union Georgia

German: Big hugs to Georgia, big hugs to Georgia. We have another story and thank you for share it.

German: You told about two years that you have been searching and thinking about doing this. What can you tell me?

Christine: So two years, I started this process, I started working with surgeons in the US, but it is very expensive.

German: Ok

Christine: So, it was going to cost me 40 to 50 thousand dollars.

German: Well that is good to know because sometimes they say: Well, how much is there? How much you pay here?

Christine: 10 thousand dollars.

German: You came here and we did an IV Sedation, and we did the surgery, a big surgery by the way.

Christine: A very big surgery

German: A big surgery, and see? No bruises.

Christine: Not going to lie, the first week is a little rough.

German: Of course it is.

Christine: Liquid diet for seven days.

German: Of course, yeah.

Christine: Pain, but you know what it was all manageable, so me being a technical person and techy that I am, and I’m a big researcher. I thoroughly researched Nobel Biocare and the procedure, when I found out the procedure you did. So, it wasn’t just eh… me coming here, I knew, I researched everything, and that is why I knew that you were in top of the line. Everybody’s treatment could be different based on how their body reacts.

German: Exactly!

Christine: And you, being a phenomenal doctor.

German: Oh, thank you! Thank you!

Christine: This is all coming from the heart, you being the phenomenal doctor you are, you will adjust that as it happens.

German: And whatever is in my hands, and as long as god allows me to be here I will do it. I´ll do it, but they tell me: But you are in Cancun! Well, you have another excuse to come!

Christine: Who knows? This is my first time in Cancun, beautiful.

German: Beautiful.

Christine: And I know, so I did join a woman support Facebook group that I got invited to, so I share with a lot of women, so it´s been very (((punitive??)), but it has been great too, so there is many women there that on their power want to come to see you. But they have been scared to come to Mexico, scared to come to Cancun, cause you know, media exaggerates.

German: Right now you have beautiful teeth after a couple of days, and I want to mention something, this is very important, you told me that how many years without having a steak?

Christine: Two.

German: Two?

Christine: It´s been over 15 years of not been able to bite an apple, and for the past two years, any time I tried to eat a steak I would be in severe pain in my jaw for days. So, last night…

German: Last night?

Christine: I enjoyed a beautiful steak and lobster, it was cocked perfect, and I just savored it, and zero pain, absolute zero pain.

German: Beautiful, beautiful.

Christine: Yeah

German: But I am so glad that you are doing fantastic with your teeth.

Christine: There is a story behind this shirt

German: Tell us the story behind the Wonder Woman!

Christine: So I saw this across the street, across the way of Liverpool and I keep looking at it; I am a Marvel girl, of course this is DC Comics. Ok? Marvel, but hey: Wonder Woman!

German: Yes.

Christine: The experience has been so amazing, and your entire staff have been incredible, that you guys of all made me feel like Wonder Woman.

German: Thank you

Christine: So, the night before I was getting my teeth, I thought: I have to get that shirt, I absolutely have to get that shirt, because…

German: You are a Wonder Woman

Christine: This whole… What you have provided for me it´s been life changing. Absolutely life changing.

German: You are amazing, thank you sweetie, thank you!


German: That feels my heart, I want to thank you, I want to thank you for giving me that confidence and I know that that you have been a Wonder Woman. ((Don´t this! Don´t this! Be)) big and everything around! The pain, I mean the surgery and all that, and you look fantastic. You are part of the family and you have a beautiful smile.

Christine: And are we friends now.

German: Of course! You are part of the family! Thank you! It is a privilege to have you here. Thank you for sharing.

Christine: Thank you.

German: Thank you for being here, and as I told: As long as I am here, as God allows me to be here, here we are, whatever you need please don´t hesitate to come and see us.

Christine: Yes.

German: Yes.

Christine: You have to come to Dr. Arzate, absolutely, you have to.

German: Thank you. It´s a privilege, thanks everyone for watching, for giving us your “likes” of our social media. I am Dr. Arzate, here in sunny Cancun. Thank you, thank you!

Christine: Thank you!

German: Bye!